Keep in mind that many of the people who profit from selling creative resume templates are designers without any experience as a hiring manager. While that may be true, our experience tells us that these templates are largely ineffective for actually landing interviews. These highly designed styles are touted as being more eye-catching. These formats typically include two-column designs, substantial use of color, non-standard sections and layouts, and fancy fonts or bar graphs to indicate skill levels. There are all sorts of resume templates available on the internet we’re seeing a trend towards more creative formats being used, even by executives. What you need to know about selecting an effective executive resume template

Try to keep it under a page and if you've got more relevant experience, make it available online, and link to it from your PDF CV. Their biggest piece of advice is clear: be concise and tailor your CV to each position as much as you can. These templates have been approved by active HR professionals whose job is to help companies find the best talent and candidates land their dream jobs. Download any of the eye-catching Word CV templates to use them right away, opening them with Microsoft Word. Professional job-winning MS Word CV templates that successfully showcase your skills, work history and full-potential for the job.