This will remove the pygmy janitor, who is an undesired encounter in the other areas, from the four remaining zones and place him in the park. Upon encountering Where Does The Lone Ranger Take His Garbagester? for the first time, choose to knock over the dumpster.The Hidden Park is the only part of The Hidden City where combat modifiers are effective. Additionally, the Where Does The Lone Ranger Take His Garbagester? noncombat from The Hidden Park makes it possible to banish a non-contributing monster from the four remaining zones and to obtain items that speed up the other zones' progress. noncombat in The Hidden Park) equipped, otherwise the liana fights take adventures. This is best done with the antique machete (obtained from the the Dr. In order to gain access to the zones, the four overgrown shrines need to be cleared from dense lianas.

The ancient protector spirits and Protector Spectre are immune to physical damage, so you will need to have a source of elemental damage to defeat them. Each of the ancient protector spirit fights is triggered by a superlikely adventure, with only one of the monsters in the respective zone being able to contribute towards fulfilling the required condition. In order to gain access to the boss, four stone triangles need to be obtained by defeating the ancient protector spirits in The Hidden Hospital, The Hidden Bowling Alley, The Hidden Apartment Building and The Hidden Office Building. In order to obtain the ancient amulet, a component of the Staff of Ed, one needs to defeat the Protector Spectre residing in A Massive Ziggurat.

The Hidden City is found in The Distant Woods.