Each school board voting region elects one school director, but once elected, members represent the interests of the district as a whole. Central Bucks is divided into nine voting regions, each of which includes one or more municipal (borough or township) voting regions. School districts may choose to elect their board members at large, by region, or by a combination of the two. School board elections are held in November of odd-numbered years. To run for school director, you must be: A citizen of Pennsylvania who is at least eighteen years old, of good moral character and a resident of the district at least one year prior to election or appoin tment.

What are the qualifications to run for school director? Among other responsibilities, the school board establishes school district policies adopts an annual budget and sets the tax rate approves expenditures, contracts, and personnel actions adopts an annual school calendar and approves textbooks and courses of study. The school board is the governing body of the school district with three basic functions: planning, setting policy, and evaluating results. The superintendent is also an official (though nonvoting) member of the board and attends all meetings and executive sessions. Each board consists of nine members who serve four-year terms without pay. What is a school board and what does it do?Ī school board is a legislative body of citizens called school directors who are elected locally and who serve as agents of the state legislature to provide a thorough and efficient system of education as mandated by the constitution.